Wednesday, June 24, 2009

The Symphony of God's Work

Well, we're well in to week two of summer camp and I'm continually amazed at how much our staff and leadership have "stepped it up" this year. Shondi and I have always been very "hands on" in the day to day details of summer camp, but this is the first time in our ten year history here that we are taking a step back and watching God raise up an incredibly gifted "new generation" to serve him in that capacity.

We didn't really start out the summer with the intention of "stepping back", but as the ministry of Skipstone continues to grow, we've discover that our priorities and the demands on our time seem to shift endlessly. We feel a continuous and strong calling to continue strengthening the foundation on the ministry so that we are as ready as we can be to participate in all that God has planned to do in and through Skipstone. Subsequently, more and more of our time is being spent these days "visioneering" and really training ourselves to listen for the "whisper" of God about the right next step.

It's been a big adjustment for me personally to experience the shift that we've gone through this year. One of the unexpected rewards though, has been seeing my children, our staff, and our leadership team begin to find their places of service and experience the joy of living life in the "sweet spot", the center of God's will for their lives.

As we celebrated Father's Day this past weekend, I did a lot of reflecting about our four children, and thanked God for all that He has done in their lives in spite of a dad who has dropped the ball more often than he cares to admit. I think the one thing that gives me the most joy in life is to see that they have already begun discovering the kind of "sweet spot" living that took me decades to grab hold of. I wonder how my life could have counted more had I been willing to surrender my life to the extent they have as young people. I'm also overwhelmed with a great and godly expectancy to see what God will do in and through them as they continue surrendering more and I love those kids of mine!

As I've thought about the changes we're experiencing, and how God is working in the lives of our children and others who serve alongside us, my heart is filled with gratitude to God for being such an amazing conductor who orchestrates every note of every life to make something beautiful, meaningful, and life-changing as we keep our eyes fixed on Him.

Think about it this way..... every time that I choose to obey the voice of God, it gives another person the opportunity to be obedient and experience the joy of serving God too. I can't hold on too tightly to the things that make me comfortable, because God has some other things that He is calling me to do to stretch and mold me. At the same time, he's going to use some of the "stuff" that I've grown very comfortable with to stretch and mold some others who are stepping out of their comfort zone. It's just amazing to be a part of the symphony of God's work!

I wonder how many of God's people need to take the next step today. Some need to trade in what they are comfortable with for something that will demand personal and spiritual growth. Some need to step back up and be obedient to the last word that God gave them instead of spending all of their time begging God for a "fresh word". Others need to get out of the "audience" and join the symphony.... why just watch and listen when you can "experience" and be a part of it all?

What's your next step? Why not take it now?

Whatever It Takes,

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