Tuesday, January 26, 2010

It Feels Like A Ferris Wheel

It never ceases to amaze me how far the pendulum of emotions can swing in just the course of a day. Yesterday was one of those days when the pendulum felt more like a ferris wheel, rolling through a range of emotions in what seemed to be an endless cycle.

At the top of the day I felt anticipation about what was ahead. As morning turned to mid-day I found myself becoming anxious about all that was yet to be accomplished. I felt frustration from a sore back and a bit of anger as my chiropractor attempted to "adjust" me :|. I felt sadness when I spoke with a friend who is losing a business in which his whole life is invested.

As the day faded into evening, I felt apprehension as I drove the bus (it's a BIG responsibility and a BIG bus!) full of Skipstone basketball players to Loganville for a game. I felt compassion as one of our Skipstone parents faced a family crisis and asked to be dropped off to minister to his family. I felt empathy and regret as Shondi shared an email with me from a parent who was upset that we had not ministered to their family in the loss of a loved one (which we weren't aware of). I felt joy as I watched our kids (both our natural and "adopted" ones) take the court. I felt anger when I saw our kids subjected to unsportsmanlike play. I felt rage when it became apparent that the officials were not going to call a fair game. I felt pride as our Skipstone kids took the high road and "fleshed out" Matthew 7:12 (do unto others) instead of surrendering to the flesh (kids are awesome teachers aren't they?).

As we loaded up to head home, I felt joy as I read a post on Facebook from a Skipstone mom who was thankful for the ministry she received from the school during a recent illness. I felt excitement as our leadership team finalized plans for an upcoming fundraising event. I felt disillusionment as Shondi fielded a call from a parent who was facing a situation with their child that is a parent's worst nightmare.

As we neared home, the cycle started again. I felt anticipation when I learned that a new student was coming to Skipstone. I felt anxious for rest as my body grew tired from the day. I felt.......

Sometimes I think we forget the incredible opportunities that we encounter every day to minister to people. It's easy to get so wrapped up in our own little world that we hardly notice what is happening in anyone else's life. Shame on us for devoting so much of our energy to OURSELVES!

I know that if I'm riding this "ferris wheel" every day, then every person I encounter is riding it as well. What an awesome opportunity to serve and minister to people, not from some elevated "super saint" position, but from a fellow brother who was just sitting in that "seat" a few minutes ago and knows "the feeling".

The longer I live the more I'm convinced that most Christians care far more about "doing" than "being". While there is nothing wrong with "doing" something for God, it pales in comparison to "being" like Jesus. We can "do" something for God without "being" like Jesus, but if we choose to make "being like Jesus" the priority of our lives, the "doing" just comes as a natural result. It's the difference between impacting and just surviving. It's not a choice of good or bad, but a choice of good or best... I want God's BEST for my life!

So what does "being like Jesus" look like in our everyday lives? I think this passage from I John 3:18 sums it up pretty well..... "Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth."

Wanna change your world? STOP talking and START walking!

Whatever It Takes,

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