Friday, February 13, 2009

What Will Your Legacy Be?

I realized this morning that we were out of Diet Mt. Dew, so if this post doesn't make any sense it's because I've not yet had my morning "dew"!

I spent the majority of the day yesterday with our Middle School students. I drove one of the buses (5th-8th grade girls... very quiet group!) on a field trip to the Chic-fil-a headquarters in College Park. If you've never had the opportunity to visit there, you should definitely add that to your "list" of must see places.

As we walked around and heard the story of Truett Cathy, I couldn't help but think about the unbelievable legacy he is building. I say "is building" because at age 87, he is still going to work most every day, and still living his life by the same principles that have led to his unprecedented success.

I've had the opportunity to meet Mr. Cathy on three different occasions. We first met on my birthday in September of 2007. As we were in the midst of trying purchase the land we now know as Skipstone, Shondi and I were completely exhausted from the previous six months of intense negotiations and borderline "battle" that was waging over the sale of the camp property. We knew what God had called us to do, but we were weary. We faced significant opposition from a few people who didn't want the camp to be sold, and were at the point of giving up. Mr. Cathy showed up unannounced and walked in the door asking to see us. He said that he had heard what we we trying to do with the birth of Skipstone, and that he wanted to be a part. We couldn't believe it!

The second time we met was a week later, when our leadership team went to Mr. Cathy's home to meet with him about his involvement in Skipstone. For several hours, we shared our hearts, listened to his heart, cried, dreamed, and soaked it all in. It was a time that I will never forget. He and his wife Jeanette are two of the most gracious, tenderhearted, Godly people that I've ever met. During the meeting, Mr. Cathy confirmed what he shared with Shondi and I a week earlier. He felt led to donate $750,000 to purchase the camp property for Skipstone. It was a miracle of God, delivered through the hands of Mr. & Mrs. Cathy.

The third time we met was in March of 2008. We went to his office to share a quick update about the progress of the ministry since the purchase of the property in December of 2007. Ironically, and to our surprise, it was his birthday on the day of our visit. He turned 87 that day, and he was at work, dreaming up a new idea for a pizza restaurant! We asked for a few minutes to share with him, and he talked with us for several hours instead.

Each time I tell the story of how God used Mr. Cathy to help with the birth of Skipstone, I'm reminded of what put him in the position to do what he did and to give what he gave. It wasn't just being a savvy businessman, although nobody could argue that he has an incredible gift for business. It wasn't because he was born with a silver spoon in his mouth, for he grew up with the poorest of the poor. It wasn't a lucky break... his road to success was a hard one. It wasn't instantaneous, but instead a very long road with detours and setbacks all along the way.

For me, although the money that he gave was a miracle, far beyond what we could have dreamed or imagined, the opportunity to get a glimpse into the life of a man like Truett Cathy made an impression on my life that was equally miraculous.

I'm challenged when I think about the legacy that I will leave behind some day. Am I willing to endure the hard times with grace? Am I being the very best steward of all that God has blessed me with? Am I generous, grateful, and thankful? Am I willing to work hard, wait, and put others before myself? Am I making my life count for God's glory?

I'm so far from where I want to be, but I'm thankful for a Godly example like Truett Cathy who, by his faithful life, has influenced me to attempt something so great for God that it's impossible to do it without God. That way, only HE can receive the glory for it all!

Proverbs 22:1 is Mr. Cathy's life verse "A GOOD name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver and gold."

It's our choice on what we choose to chase in this life!

Whatever It Takes,

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