Thursday, February 26, 2009

He Who Dies With The Most Toys

Call me crazy, but I enjoy a good bumper sticker now and then. I'm always intrigued to see what a particular person looks like who is making a "statement" by the bumper sticker(s) on their car. "Keep Honkin'... I'm Reloading", "My Kid Beat Up Your Honor Student", and "Follow Me Too Close & I'll Flick A Booger On Your Windshield" are ones that always make me smile.

So now that you think less of me, I'll tell you about another bumper sticker that always makes me think. I know you've seen this one.."He Who Dies With The Most Toys Wins". That's probably one of the most popular bumper stickers I've seen. It's also a great way to start our discussion about the next petition in the Lord's Prayer from Matthew 6:10.

"your kingdom come" is both a petition and an acknowledgement in my view. I say that because the day I met Christ as my personal Savior, His kingdom expanded to include the territory of my heart. When I pray "your kingdom come", I'm not asking for salvation again, I'm acknowledging that my life, heart, soul, strength, body, and possessions are under His rule. I'm also asking Him to expand His kingdom here on earth. I praying for an advancement of His kingdom , for people to be saved and drawn to a closer walk with Jesus.

So what does the bumper sticker have to do with any of this? Although most of us would probably not put the bumper sticker on our car (I apologize if you have one), we all battle with the mindset of "He Who Dies With The Most Toys Wins". If you don't believe it's true, just think about what we have invested in ourselves, in our own comforts, and in "stuff". Now think about your "kingdom"... your heart & soul, your possessions, and the "stuff" that makes up your "kingdom". Don't you find it easier to focus on building your "kingdom" instead of advancing His? Don't you find yourself putting up fences in your heart and trying to establish boundaries for God? We may think, "Lord I surrender this and this and this, but this one little area here I'm holding on to this part".

What we are attempting to do when we think that way, is to claim territory that belongs to our King. That is so completely opposite of what this model prayer is talking about. One of our prayers should be that as His "kingdom comes", our attitude and the posture of our heart would be a picture of surrender, much like a king would conquer his enemies in battle.

The truth is, surrendering the territory of our heart and life to God's kingdom, and ultimately playing a role in the advancement of His kingdom here on earth, is not a one time decision, but an everyday battle that we must face. The more I surrender, the more His "kingdom comes" in my life, and the more His "kingdom comes" in my life, the more useful I can become in advancing His kingdom to to the nations!

That bumper sticker really should read "He Who Dies With The Most Toys, Still Dies!". When it's all said and done, our "stuff" won't matter, but our surrender will!

Have a BLESSED day and Live For Jesus!

Whatever It Takes,

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