Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Where Two or Three Are Gathered

Thank you so much for your prayers as we traveled to Booneville, MS and back the last couple of days. We were BLESSED to be given a 24ft box truck FULL of office supplies..... marker boards, bulletin boards, laminating machines and film, lanyards, and tons of consumable goods. Thank you Jesus for meeting this need!

I wanted to go in a little different direction today.... one of the verses I read this morning was from Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, there am I in the midst of them.”

I've heard many a sermon based on this verse in my lifetime. It's been mostly used as a motivational verse to encourage people to be faithful in their church attendance or when a "small crowd" shows up for something and we ministers get disappointed.

As I read this verse today, I thought about a story I heard once about a young man who was a gifted writer. He loved to write, but found it more difficult to carry on a face to face conversation. Sometime in his early twenties, he saw a young lady and was absolutely "smitten" with her. He wanted to talk to her, get to know her, and ultimately court her for marriage. His problem was that he couldn't muster up the courage to talk to her face to face. Knowing his best and only chance was to go to his strength, he picked up a pen and began "courting" her by writing her letters. He was so consumed by his love for this young lady, that he wrote her every single day for two whole years. By the end of the second year, you have probably guessed what happened.... she married the mailman!

I recognize that is just a silly story, but it reveals a great truth. If you really want to get to know someone, there is no substitute for spending TIME with them. Untold numbers of marriages crumble because we do not MAKE TIME for each other. If you don't believe it, ask yourself how many couples you know who say after twenty years of marriage "I just don't feel like I even KNOW him/her any more!".

It's true with our kids too. Most parents are significantly involved in their kids lives from birth through the elementary years. For some reason, that involvement fades to "an awareness that some strange person is living in my house" as we go through the teenage years. The moment we stop intentionally spending time, even if our perception is that our kids don't "want" to spend time with us, is where the road parts and soon we don't even know our kids anymore.

Now if this principle is true, my question is "How important is it for us to spend time with other believers?". I'm not necessarily talking about just going to church, although I can testify that the journey for me has been much easier because I belong to a great church family. I'm talking about intentionally surrounding yourself with a few people, who love Jesus and can tolerate you:), to help you walk through this journey we know as life.

For me, this is critical. I've found that just having a small group of people who love me enough to be honest with me and trust me to be honest with them, spur me on in my walk with God and in my relationship with my family, and walk closely with me through the difficulties and trials of this life, has made all the difference.

How is your spiritual life? Are you in a growing relationship with Jesus or are you more like pen pals with God, just communicating from a distance and trying to get through life on your own?

I realize that God promises "I will be with you always", and that is a wonderful promise. But, if you ever have the opportunity to experience God's presence in the midst of two or three brothers or sisters in Christ, gathered together in His name, you will find it calling you to a new level of commitment and accountability that is certain to impact your life in ways you never imagined!

Have a BLESSED day and live for Jesus!

Whatever It Takes,

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